Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Using Slider to Drag the Pointer Around - Part I

With reference to Ryan's comment on my teammate's blog that users should allow to drag and drop the pointer, I agree that this suggestion can improve my group's presentation. Below is my trial version on using a slider to drag the pointer to move along a circular path.


I have no problem of showing the correct reduced bearing of the pointer when the slider is dragged. The main problem is that the text box showing the reduced bearing moves when the slider is dragged. Maybe I have wrongly put some objects in an inappropriate layer.


martnlau said...

I'm afriad you have put the textbox inside the movieclip of the slider. Try cut and paste the textbox out of that movieclip and see whether the problem is solved.

cck said...

Thanks, Martin. I also find that this may be the main problem. And now, I have found another way to drag the point.
