Sunday, May 6, 2007

Slider Version of Reduced Bearing

In this slider version, one can drag a pointer around a circular path and the corresponding reduced bearing is shown.

In this version, the command 'attachMovie' is no longer used. Instead of creating 8 movie clips, only one movie clip is created to show the reduced bearing in different quadrant.

The idea in fact comes from Daniel's tutorial video part 4 about the changing colours of clothes. When I study this tutorial video again, I find that a movie clip is created with 3 different frames to indicate 3 colours. Then the 'telltarget' action in each button is used to change the colour of the clothes.

Based on this idea, I create a movie clip for the text box showing the reduced bearing with 8 frames. Then the 'telltarget' action is used to prompt the movie clip to jump to a particular frame for different angles.


Kenneth Chan said...

Dear Jaco,
Your project are very nice. Sliding bar are also nice too. But I cannot drag A, B, C, D on the dot line. Please tell me how to do.
Please give me some suggestion for me blog.
Kenneth Chan

cck said...

Dear Kenneth,
In fact, the pointers for A, B, C, & D have not been added in this incomplete version. In order to decide whether a slider or buttons are used, we attempt to design a slider to drag a pointer in this version. Both my teammate and I agree that a slider is a better choice. So we will change from buttons to a slider in our final version. Thanks for your comment.

PatrickLai said...

Hi, I am Patrick Lai, Ka Ming.

A bit reommendation are:
* add a little instruction for the use of slide bar to change the bearing

* The "Task description" and the "Conclusion" text is better to have a semi-transparent background (like the one for HK map).

* Alternatively, these text can be shown in the "empty regions" where the important components will not be blocked visually.