Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Session 10 Reflection

After looking at the comments provided by the classmates in my teammate Karen's blog and my blog, I discuss with Karen in this session how to make changes with reference to the comments. The main conclusions are as follows:

1) The message that a slider is better than buttons is found in most of the comments. Karen and I also agree with this. My group has solved the technical problems of using a slider to drag the pointer. I have also posted a slider version on my blog for reference. In this slider version, one can freely drag the pointer to any position on a desired path and the pointer can move faster than in the button version.

2) Karen and I will discuss the possibility of inputting the bearing in the assignment. Technical skills are one big concern. Another concern is how to fine tune my group's learning objectives of using this representation and the structure of the product if users can input the bearings as well.

3) As mentioned in the post titled 'Follow-up on Storyboard' in Daniel's blog, visual and interactive representations are not drill and practice, quiz questions, tests or games, and they are resources too. Therefore, we may not include some questions for students to answer or discuss. In fact, teachers can include these questions in worksheets and distribute to students together with the use of this visual representation.

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