Monday, March 5, 2007

Task 2 for Session 2

Prepared by Karen Lee Sau Wah and Jaco Cheung Chun Kay

(1) Summarized the content in a sheet of paper.

(2) Extracted useful information to prepare a pencil draft for our powerpoint.

(3) Prepared the powerpoint based on the pencil draft.

(4) After further discussion, we modified and enriched the content for our final presentation.


Unknown said...

Hi there,
Great diagram.
Concise text and varying colours.
My kind of diagram

PatrickLai said...


It is quite interesting to see
the flow of your thinking
(starting from the sketches to the final product)


ICT Teacher said...

Hi Jaco,

Your designing of the blog looks interesting. The layers at different distance and temperature variations are well displayed.
